Never overdraw yourself.

Never overdraw yourself.

Enough is enough, and too much is not enough.

everyone yearns for happiness, and we chase it all our lives.

I can go through half my life, but I find that life is getting harder and harder, even if I keep walking.

but in fact, looking back, many bad results are caused by going too fast and pursuing too much, but ignoring the extremes will lead to the opposite.

many things, once they go too far and are controlled by desire, become disasters.

Life is a long journey. Please don't overdraw and consume yourself too early.

overdraft credit

I have heard a saying: "the biggest bankruptcy in life is the overdraft of credit."

Credit is not uncommon. Everyone has it.

but credit is so precious that once it is broken to others, it may never be retrieved.

there used to be several fruit stores downstairs, but the one with the best business had to be Uncle Zhang's.

other families always try their best to short a kilo of fruit, often only eight taels at home, with a lot of bad fruit at the bottom.

and Zhang Shu's family, not only the fruit is fresh, but they also take the initiative to wipe out the change every time they buy it.

although it is a little expensive, I can rest assured that as soon as the neighbors advertise, they all like to go to his store.

in fact, it is a trivial matter, but the moral character is superior to the verdict.

Credit is not only the foundation of a person's life, but also the embodiment of a person's character.

the Greek philosopher proposed a "Tacitus effect".

means that when an organization or individual loses credibility, whether you are telling the truth or lying, doing good or bad things, you will think that you are telling lies and doing bad things.

Credit is important because it is so fragile that once it is broken, it is difficult to re-establish it.

A person without credit, no one wants to associate with him in life, and no one cooperates with him in business.

No one believes anything, and no one supports anything to do, let alone accomplish anything great.

it is a kind of happiness to be trusted in life, and it is also a kind of luck to be trusted. Don't waste it easily.

overdraft relationship

China, a human society, is often inseparable from relationship interaction.

proper human contact can enhance the relationship.

once overdrawn, it will be counterproductive.

self-media man Susie told a story:

I used to have a very close friend who went to work as a business consultant in an advertising company after graduation.

Susie will be introduced to her sometimes when she comes across a suitable project.

after a few times, my friend took it for granted. Every time I came to her, I began to ask her for help in introducing clients with a few simple pleasantries.

sometimes when I encounter some minor problems, I always call her again and again.

once or twice is fine, but if there are too many times, it will inevitably be annoying.

on one occasion, she politely indicated that she might not be able to help, but her friend replied disapprovingly:

"you know a lot of people. You can find someone else. It's not that hard anyway."

there is a line in the movie "fatal connections": "humanity is not only a sword that opens the way, but also a cocoon bound by itself."

most of the time, we think we have a good relationship with each other, so we take each other's efforts for granted and don't know how to cherish them.

but there is a scale in everyone's heart, which is attracted by generality and is equal to each other.

blindly disturb and consume other people's good, will only get each other's despair and give up.

Don't overdraw, whether it's classmates, colleagues, family or friendship.

Adult feelings are not easy to come by. Only by maintaining and cherishing them with a grateful heart can you reap precious and long-term friendship.

overdraft Health

people and people seem to be about the same height and height, fat and thin.

so people often mistakenly think that their physical fitness is about the same.

this is not the case.

say one of the most common things on the playground.

on weekdays, many people stay up late to catch up, stay up late and work overtime, so they can relax if they want a holiday.

when I finally finished the project, I had time to stand on the court. As a result, I suddenly felt a severe pain in my heart and fell down on the spot when I threw a ball and finished a run.

people's biggest mistake is to trade their health for other things, always thinking that the body recovers quickly.

at the age of 30, he stays up late and plays all night because of his good quality.

at the age of forty, both old and young dare not stop to have a rest.

overdraft health has become the norm of life.

the human body does have the ability to repair itself, but the process is slow and the result is limited.

unscrupulously overdraw the body, until a certain critical point, click, the organs strike, the body immediately collapsed.

it's too late to repair, so we have to stay in the hospital and spend the rest of the time.

in order to live, everyone has their own difficulties, everyone has their own helplessness.

but remember, don't spoil your body at any time.

Health is everything, without it.Everything else is a cloud.

from today on, take good care of your body, for yourself and for your family.

overdraft luck

We often hope that we can have good luck and avoid the tribulations of life.

but everything in this world has a cause and effect, and there is a reason between good and bad.

A moment of good luck is just an opportunity, and it only counts if you can catch it.

tell a story:

A few years ago, there was a sensational event in our county. A family won 3 million yuan in the lottery.

after getting rich, the family soon bought a house and stopped going out to work.

found an aristocratic school for the children, with a babysitter to take care of their life, and the hostess went out to play mahjong all day, and it didn't matter if she won or lost tens of thousands of yuan a day.

the male host invests everywhere and does business with others, but he has no experience and is either losing money or being cheated.

after losing the money in a few years, the two men went out to work again.

the people around me sighed that they pitied the child and experienced the ups and downs of life at an early age.

people may be lucky for a while, but they can never be lucky for a lifetime.

there is always a time when luck runs out, and if you always want to find shortcuts by speculation, it means that one begins to go downhill.

there is a saying: "luck can never last a lifetime, and you are the only thing that can help you last a lifetime."

regardless of study, life or the workplace, people who can go to the end must always maintain a state of progress and rise abruptly based on their accumulated strength.

only when we keep our feet on the ground and be prepared, can we have the strength and ability to seize the opportunity.

bottom line of overdraft

in this society, everyone wants to be respected by others, but not everyone can do so.

I very much agree with the saying: "those who want to be respected must respect themselves first."

principles and bottom lines play an important role in a person's image and opinion.

when you have principles and stick to the bottom line, others will begin to respect and trust you.

when I was a newspaper reporter a few years ago, I interviewed a boss with a lot of personality.

others are good for their own things to help as much as they can, not only to reflect their own value but also to accumulate contacts.

do not help if you are beyond your ability;

if you get an inch of help, don't help;

do not ask for help, do not help;

do not help if it involves interests.

it is also strange to say that people who have just met find him difficult to get along with, but after deep contact, they are all moved by his persistence.

as a result, this boss has won everyone's respect, accumulated a good reputation for himself, and his business is getting better and better.

in this fast-paced era, it is easy for people to lose themselves in front of interests, which is a terrible thing.

because if a person's bottom line falls again and again, he will only fall into an endless abyss.

in this life, people must have a yardstick to measure what is right and wrong what can and cannot be done.

there are some rules we must abide by and some bottom lines we must never cross.

people, only by keeping the bottom line, is the greatest success in life.

as the saying goes, "if it is too full, it will overflow, and if it is too rigid, it will be broken."

Bring more life and enthusiasm in your wardrobe by bringing in some bit of ivory cocktail dresses. There are different cuts and styles to choose from.

all people in the world pay attention to a certain degree, enough is enough, too much is not enough.

to squander and overdraw your life at will, even if you get a moment of comfort, you will eventually pay the price.

if people want to go long-term, they need to find the right direction and grasp the right rhythm.

only if we know how to keep spare power and conform to the trend, the road of life can go a long way.

, may we all face life in a relaxed manner and live a free life.