Friendship has no future.

Friendship has no future.

Fortunately, there are past and present.

"Hello, is your boyfriend home?" After the phone got through, I asked a question first.

after getting the answer that "he is on duty this month and staying in the hospital dormitory", I told the trouble I was facing and asked if I could stay at her house for the night.

"come here."

I hung up the phone. I packed up a few things and went to her house. I also bought some food downstairs.

I don't like washing dishes, so I'm usually in charge of cooking.

that night, from the beginning of dinner to the end of falling asleep in bed, we talked a lot about each other, said something about each other's recent situation, troubles, and of course couldn't forget to tease each other.

finally, she said with a little emotion: "I haven't talked to you like this for a long time."

to be honest, I was lost and even a little angry at first.

after all, I feel the same as before, but the other person has a "change of heart".

in the past, we would chat on Wechat almost every day and often go out to play on weekends. Now, Xiao Na spends most of her time with her boyfriend.

but "Don't send me Wechat" and "didn't ask me out this weekend" doesn't seem to be a mistake, and I can't blame her for it.

over time, other things and other friends have filled Xiao Na's vacancy, and I have adapted and accepted this change.

if Xiaona suddenly comes to me one day, I will even ask, "aren't you with your boyfriend today?"

I seem to have acquiesced to being in the alternative.

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they will get married and have children, their names will appear on all kinds of documents and contracts, and their relationship will include not only feelings, but also various interests and even legal factors.

and I will have my partner, too.

this is probably why most people choose love in the face of love and friendship.

of course, someone may refute me: "No, love and friendship can be taken into account."

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they will get married and have children, their names will appear on all kinds of documents and contracts, and their relationship will include not only feelings, but also various interests and even legal factors.

and I will have my partner, too.

this is probably why most people choose love in the face of love and friendship.

they will get married and have children, their names will appear on all kinds of documents and contracts, and their relationship will include not only feelings, but also various interests and even legal factors.

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and I will have my partner, too.

for example, Xiao Na and I, even if I have the idea of going out every week, there is nothing I can do when she is unwilling to share her time with me.

and in the end, you will be willing to compromise because you are friends.

here, I remember an agreement I made with my roommates in high school: buy a big house to live with after graduation, stay together after marriage, and retire together.

everyone laughed.