What is the experience of falling in love with a gentle person?

What is the experience of falling in love with a gentle person?

It makes you start to believe a lot of things you didn't believe in before.

this means that I have to bring my own food to the company.

my boyfriend knew that I was not good at cooking, so he took the initiative to shoulder this not an easy task.

when I come back from work every day, I don't play games and go straight to the kitchen with the food.

A total of two meals, each with vegetables, meat and staple food, even if I help him, he is still sweating.

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I discussed with him, "Why don't I come later, or we can do it all day."

he thought for a moment, touched my head and said, "No, you go and do something else."

"the doctor says you have to go to bed at ten o'clock, and if you have to cook, you won't have your own time. At least I can stay up late."

I froze at that moment. It turns out that there are really people in the world besides my parents who can consider this degree for me.

and it occurred to me that he had always put my feelings in a very important position.

will take over my part of the housework when I am tired. I am not angry even if I accidentally break his things, making me believe that I am really good over and over again.

what is the quality of tenderness?

I understand it as a kind of considerate personality, the ability to think of others all the time;

and you have had a bad experience, so you don't want others to experience kindness again.

after spending more than two years with him, he never thought what a girl should do, nor did he interfere with what I wore.

only stand behind me gently when I wear a short skirt on the escalator.

on weekdays, he is quite heartless and even a bit of a junior high school, but when I am unhappy, he will try his best to make me happy.

the most common thing you've ever said to me is: it's all right. Take your time. You're fine.

I have wondered before, does such a person really exist? Will it be met by me?

but then I found out that there are actually many such people, but they may not be conspicuous in the crowd, and they may even feel ordinary at first sight.

only by touching down can you find the gleaming part of their character.

I remember seeing a post on the Internet one day asking: what's the experience of falling in love with a gentle person?

I thought about it and wrote down my answer: will make you start to believe a lot of things you didn't believe before.

for example, you can be sure that you can be happy when you get married, and have renewed confidence in a long-term relationship.

the reality and pessimism learned in the process of growing up are slowly cured by the power of tenderness, and then fall off one by one.

finally, let me degenerate into a simple naive, inexperienced person who seems to be well protected.

in addition to boyfriends, I have also met some very gentle friends and colleagues.

they always seem to find the awkwardness of the situation in time; they can always see at a glance what others are not saying.

then slowly give an understanding and support in your own way.

in addition to feeling comfortable with them, I find myself assimilated.

the careful sensibility of the original character has gradually become more open and considerate like them.

it was at that moment that I realized that tenderness attracts gentleness.

just like I asked my boyfriend: "Why are you so tired from work every day? why do you cook for me, tell me to take medicine, and supervise me to go to bed early?"

and he just smiled and said, "because I knew if I was sick, you would do the same."

and you have had a bad experience, so you don't want others to experience kindness again.

after spending more than two years with him, he never thought what a girl should do, nor did he interfere with what I wore.

only stand behind me gently when I wear a short skirt on the escalator.

on weekdays, he is quite heartless and even a bit of a junior high school, but when I am unhappy, he will try his best to make me happy.

the most common thing you've ever said to me is: it's all right. Take your time. You're fine.

I have wondered before, does such a person really exist? Will it be met by me?

but then I found out that there are actually many such people, but they may not be conspicuous in the crowd, and they may even feel ordinary at first sight.

only by touching down can you find the gleaming part of their character.

I remember seeing a post on the Internet one day asking: what's the experience of falling in love with a gentle person?

I thought about it and wrote down my answer: will make you start to believe a lot of things you didn't believe before.

for example, you can be sure that you can be happy when you get married, and have renewed confidence in a long-term relationship.

the reality and pessimism learned in the process of growing up are slowly cured by the power of tenderness, and then fall off one by one.

finally, let me degenerate into a simple naive, inexperienced person who seems to be well protected.

in addition to boyfriends, I have also met some very gentle friends and colleagues.

they always seem to find the awkwardness of the situation in time; they can always see at a glance what others are not saying.

then slowly give an understanding and support in your own way.

in addition to feeling comfortable with them, I find myself assimilated.

the careful sensibility of the original character has gradually become more open and considerate like them.

it was at that moment that I realized that tenderness attracts gentleness.

and you have had a bad experience, so you don't want others to experience kindness again.

after spending more than two years with him, he never thought what a girl should do, nor did he interfere with what I wore.

only stand behind me gently when I wear a short skirt on the escalator.

on weekdays, he is quite heartless and even a bit of a junior high school, but when I am unhappy, he will try his best to make me happy.

the most common thing you've ever said to me is: it's all right. Take your time. You're fine.

I have wondered before, does such a person really exist? Will it be met by me?

but then I found out that there are actually many such people, but they may not be conspicuous in the crowd, and they may even feel ordinary at first sight.

only by touching down can you find the gleaming part of their character.

I remember seeing a post on the Internet one day asking: what's the experience of falling in love with a gentle person?

I thought about it and wrote down my answer: will make you start to believe a lot of things you didn't believe before.

for example, you can be sure that you can be happy when you get married, and have renewed confidence in a long-term relationship.

the reality and pessimism learned in the process of growing up are slowly cured by the power of tenderness, and then fall off one by one.

finally, let me degenerate into a simple naive, inexperienced person who seems to be well protected.

in addition to boyfriends, I have also met some very gentle friends and colleagues.

they always seem to find the awkwardness of the situation in time; they can always see at a glance what others are not saying.

then slowly give an understanding and support in your own way.

in addition to feeling comfortable with them, I find myself assimilated.

the careful sensibility of the original character has gradually become more open and considerate like them.

just like I asked my boyfriend: "Why are you so tired from work every day? why do you cook for me, tell me to take medicine, and supervise me to go to bed early?"