Getting busy is the cure for everything.

Getting busy is the cure for everything.

Every gift given by fate is secretly priced.

people often say, "born in distress, die in peace."

A life that is too comfortable will destroy a person's self-motivated heart, and life is a process of constantly enriching oneself.

A life of too much leisure is a disaster for everyone.

whether a person is good or not depends on the way he is idle:

some people cultivate hobbies in their spare time, while others do nothing, wasting their time and lamenting how fast time is in the end.

A life of too much leisure will abolish a person sooner or later.

if you are idle, you will be useless by yourself

I often hear this sentence:

does not break out in silence, it will perish in silence.

people who can keep themselves idle are often not self-motivated.

have seen such a philosophical story:

A man came to a place, and a waiter came up and asked, "what can I do for you, sir?" Everything you want can be provided here. "

he was very happy to hear: "this is the life I want!"

so he stayed and lived a life of idleness every day, having whatever he wanted.

so he said to the waiter around him, "I'm tired of all this. Can you find me a job?" I want to find something to do. "

unexpectedly, this time the waiter refused him: "I'm sorry, this is the only thing I can't satisfy you."

he was furious: "this kind of life is so boring that I might as well stay in prison!"

Life is like this, blindly idle will only make people fall into the abyss of pain, a dilemma.

Samuel said: "the greatest poverty of mankind is that everything goes well without effort, which eventually leads to the disillusionment of hope and the absence of struggle."

it's like if something is not used for a long time, if it is left idle for too long, it cannot be used. People are the same, a person who is idle will gradually lose his spirit and become more and more lazy to think and make progress.

as the saying goes:

practice one day of work, one day without a hundred days of emptiness; three days without laymen, four days without staring.

An idle life may be comfortable, but there is a great danger behind it.

Life is like sailing against the current, not to advance is to fall behind.

Don't wait for the risk to come, don't wait for the middle of your life to regret not having started earlier; seize the moment to keep your life from being wasted.

people live to the extreme, but they don't want to be idle

Roman Roland once said:

writer Yan Geling is a very self-disciplined person.

many of her works have been remade into films, working with long-established directors such as Zhang Yimou, Feng Xiaogang, Ang Lee, Chen Kaige and Jiang Wen.

since becoming a writer, Yan Geling has published more than 30 books.

even now, at the age of nearly 60, she has never stopped writing.

because she writes all the year round, in fact, her body encounters a lot of problems, but she never gets used to herself. She writes four hours a day as planned.

in an interview, talking about how a woman stays beautiful, she said:

"an age has an age of beauty, or charm." Temperament has no age.

Women should never give up, nor should they misbehave and obey the old and try their best to pretend to be young. The heroines in my book have no regard for sad spring and pity spring, and they are not idle. "

A person who is idle will eventually lose his value.

in the Roundtable School, Jiang Fangzhou is the youngest resident guest. She has always been known as a "genius boy", but when she becomes famous at a young age, she still has a sense of crisis.

she said:

"once people fall, even for a few short years, God will take away your talent and power as quickly as possible."

so she keeps learning and exploring new areas. Once she has nothing to do for a long time, she will panic.

when a person is idle, his body and soul will suffer double torments:

physically, just like people who do not walk all the year round, their calves will atrophy, and idleness will keep their health away.

and when you are idle, you will be more likely to be paranoid, and people will gradually get depressed and lose their enthusiasm for life.

so, the best way is to keep yourself busy. It's hard, but it's valuable.

A life with too much leisure is actually a disaster

in the art of war:

one encouragement, then decline, and third exhaustion.

the same is true of life.

if you are used to idleness, you will naturally like procrastination, thus losing your fighting ability. at the same time, people will become unpassionate and muddle along.

Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking suffered from atrophic lateral sclerosis at the age of 21, and doctors say he can only live for two and a half years at most.

if he bows his head weakly in the face of fate and says to himself, "forget it, there are only two and a half years left anyway", so he can only disappear mediocre in the end.

but he said to himself, "there are only two and a half years, not much. We should try to do something meaningful and let life stay."A little splendor. "

his condition gradually worsened, his muscles atrophied day by day, his walking became more and more unstable, and it became difficult for him to stand.

although he has made efforts, fate has taken away his ability to act, and only two of his ten fingers can still move.

In spite of this, he never stopped thinking and asked his assistant to spread the information on a small table and read it page by page.

since becoming a writer, Yan Geling has published more than 30 books.

even now, at the age of nearly 60, she has never stopped writing.

because she writes all the year round, in fact, her body encounters a lot of problems, but she never gets used to herself. She writes four hours a day as planned.

in an interview, talking about how a woman stays beautiful, she said:

"an age has an age of beauty, or charm." Temperament has no age.

Women should never give up, nor should they misbehave and obey the old and try their best to pretend to be young. The heroines in my book have no regard for sad spring and pity spring, and they are not idle. "

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A person who is idle will eventually lose his value.

in the Roundtable School, Jiang Fangzhou is the youngest resident guest. She has always been known as a "genius boy", but when she becomes famous at a young age, she still has a sense of crisis.

she said:

"once people fall, even for a few short years, God will take away your talent and power as quickly as possible."

so she keeps learning and exploring new areas. Once she has nothing to do for a long time, she will panic.

when a person is idle, his body and soul will suffer double torments:

physically, just like people who do not walk all the year round, their calves will atrophy, and idleness will keep their health away.

and when you are idle, you will be more likely to be paranoid, and people will gradually get depressed and lose their enthusiasm for life.

so, the best way is to keep yourself busy. It's hard, but it's valuable.

A life with too much leisure is actually a disaster

in the art of war:

one encouragement, then decline, and third exhaustion.

the same is true of life.

if you are used to idleness, you will naturally like procrastination, thus losing your fighting ability. at the same time, people will become unpassionate and muddle along.

Astrophysicist Stephen Hawking suffered from atrophic lateral sclerosis at the age of 21, and doctors say he can only live for two and a half years at most.

if he bows his head weakly in the face of fate and says to himself, "forget it, there are only two and a half years left anyway", so he can only disappear mediocre in the end.

but he said to himself, "there are only two and a half years, not much. We should try to do something meaningful and let life stay."A little splendor. "

his condition gradually worsened, his muscles atrophied day by day, his walking became more and more unstable, and it became difficult for him to stand.

although he has made efforts, fate has taken away his ability to act, and only two of his ten fingers can still move.

his body never left his wheelchair, but his mind flew out of the earth, out of the solar system, out of the Milky way, to the depths of the universe tens of billions of light-years away, to mysterious black holes.

Yuan Longping once said in an interview: if he has never thought of retiring, he is most afraid of becoming dementia when he is idle.

I think so.

in real life, many people have age but no ability, because they never force themselves to grow up.

when you encounter a problem, you don't think of a way to solve it, but try to avoid it.

it may be happy to be idle, but happiness often hides deadly poison.

Life is so long, always do something, never be complacent because of "leisure". What makes you comfortable now will destroy you one day.

in a long-term, stable and comfortable environment, people will lose their sense of crisis.

did not realize that every gift given by fate secretly marked the price.

when I am idle, I think I have earned it.

in fact, this is not earned, but gradually scrapped.

idle people are used to complaining, their grievances are getting deeper and deeper, but their abilities are not growing, and their days are becoming more and more depressing.

and busy people, the ability is getting stronger day by day, there is no time to complain and worry, and life is getting better day by day.

, may you know your life without fear, renew yourself every day, live up to your life, and live up to yourself.